Impact Campaign: Elders of Palestine

In the film, Raeda Taha says ‘they can take away everything, but they cannot take away our memory’. The memories of millions of Palestinians live on, including those of our elders who witnessed the genocide of their people from the very beginning of the zionist colonial project. Their stories are sacred as they stand resolute in the face of attempts to wipe out Palestinian culture and history. No matter how many records, documents, or libraries are burned to try and hide the existence of Palestine and Palestinians, the stories of each and every one is immortalized through their telling and retelling. 


This space is dedicated to those elders, who have not let go of their memories of Palestine, where they are able to share their personal stories, experiences and knowledge with the world.


We invite you to listen and learn from those who have experienced history first-hand, and we encourage you to join us and submit a storytelling of your own family member, friend, or relative to preserve their memories and our collective history.